Outsourcing Corporate Actions:
A Practical Perspective

Madhukar Ramu explains the practicalities of corporate actions managed services, leveraging experience from multiple successful engagements

“We provide technology-driven managed services that deliver rigorously reviewed and validated golden-source data, eliminating time-consuming and error-prone manual reconciliation and validation of depository, custodian, and exchange data, standardizing and automating the processing of corporate actions and proxy voting.”
Why are people looking to outsource their corporate actions processing to you?
While they are critically important, there is much more to the outsourcing conversation than just the short-term operational gains.
At the beginning of the journey, outsourcing has helped our customers remove many daily processes and checks, which means obvious headcount and time savings. More importantly, outsourcing has let firms transfer critical, highly experienced headcount to focus on complex issues and value-adding strategic projects, which is key. In an era of tight competition for talent, this shift is becoming even more critical today – as outsourcing helps our customers to become more attractive employers and hence stem the talent drain that the industry is experiencing.
From a risk and control perspective, we also find that the additional transparency we provide helps to put our customers in control. In an outsourced environment, metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) are far more transparent, so managers tend to feel that they have their hands on the controls much more than if they were running the business in-house.
But many of the benefits tend to emerge over the medium term as outsourcing starts to impact our customers' product management and controls. The simple fact that our data delivery is entirely automated means that our customers can use our information to continually improve Straight-Through Processing (STP) rates in downstream functions – so that we impact not just our core customers but also all of the systems that support them.
Because ours is a standardized platform, our customers also benefit from our ongoing product development. Many customers who use macros and end-user computing (EUC) to process their events have major control issues when they need to update or change these tools. In contrast, our platforms have communicated roadmaps that never stop. That can mean adding new asset classes quickly or standardized integration into key systems like Aladdin.
Last but not least is the access to our expertise. In an outsourced arrangement, we manage the talent development question and ensure that our customers are always speaking to true subject-matter-experts. This is useful in core markets, but our expertise becomes invaluable as our customers look to enter new markets or new asset classes. And beyond that, our customers don't just speak to us – we make significant efforts to make sure that our customers can learn from each other in our monthly information sessions, working groups, and events. That community effect is enormously powerful and simply couldn't exist for those still struggling to manage independently.
No solution is a silver bullet. What are the limitations of outsourcing?
The single theme that our customers cite is flexibility. Most of our customers have evolved in a world where your ability to manage corporate actions change depends on your spreadsheet skills. In a world of Excel, it is easy to set up new, tactical processes within hours and days when needed, and that agility has become a core behavioral theme for many back offices.
Of course, using a standardized market solution inevitably affects that agility in the short term – as our method is to fully understand the change requirement, build it, and test it before releasing it to our customers. But while it may take a little longer to see new events available or new batch processes in our systems, the core point is that ours are designed to be safe and to last.
“We have less flexibility to manage one-off situations but we prefer to be safe rather than quick”
"Outsourcing was critical to our withstanding the market volatility throughout COVID 19"
What KPIs are your customers seeing from outsourcing corporate actions?
The savings and efficiencies from outsourcing based on our implementations have helped clients to realize 88% savings in people costs, thanks to STP rates of 100% for mandatory events and even 90% for voluntary events.
That matters during times of high market volatility, where we were a critical part of firms' ability to continue their corporate action processing (during COVID, for example). It also matters in facilitating significant change. Downstream, our outsourced solution has helped customers to consolidate and centralize their processing – with one key client reducing the number of processing locations from 7 to 2.
Speak to one of our Corporate Actions Experts today
Our focus is to help you mitigate risk, improve client service quality, enhance operational efficiency and scalability, and make informed decisions for long-term growth.
Our global team of corporate actions experts bring unique insight and continuously explore new ways to support our clients by delivering innovative solutions. Our team work with the world's leading financial institutions, building long-term strategic relationships based on mutual success and striving to deliver transparency and certainty every step of the way.

Ankush Zutshi
Product Strategy

Madhukar Ramu
Data Strategy

Bidhu Rusia
Buy-side Solutions

Charu Kirti Jain
SRDII & Proxy Voting

Adam Scott
EMEA Solutions / Investment Banks & Prime Brokers

Katie O'Connor
APAC Solutions

Neal Magnotta
North America Solutions

Jatan Pathak
Data Validation